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If You’re Not Pumped For Lights Out 9 Then This Video Will Get You Pumped!

It’s Lights Out week, y’all!!!

As you’re reading this, the top small tire teams from coast to coast are either already tucked into their pit spot at South Georgia Motorsports Park or they’re on the road en route to the biggest radial race on the planet, Lights Out 9!

The annual pilgrimage to Adel, GA began over the weekend for many who get there early and stay late, ensuring they get the best parking spots for all the action on and off the track. I’ve described this very race many times as “A huge party where some great racing breaks out!” and everybody who has attended any of Duck X Productions’ races agrees wholeheartedly. This one will be no different, and to give you a little sneak peek of some of the action, we’ve got this great 10 minute preview of the quickest small tire class in existence, promotor Donald “Duck” Long’s brainchild Radial vs the World.

The Racing Vids is always on the property at SGMP along with the top videographers and photographers in the game to capture every second of the weekend to share with those who can’t make it, so if you’re unable to make the trip, there will be no shortage of content available as soon as everybody is able to get their stuff uploaded.

I’ve attached the weekend schedule so you can plan to keep an eye on social media for a flood of live streams and updates to keep you abreast of all the big numbers and inevitable mishaps that will be seen this weekend. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, if we can get a signal – SGMP is in the middle of nowhere, after all – we’ll go live to bring you some of the action ourselves while the rest of the crew grabs photos and videos of everything on and off the track. Trust me, if you haven’t experienced the insanity of the late night foot races in the pits – often with hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on the line – then you don’t know what you’re missing! If you’re even remotely within driving distance or have the budget to fly, get your butt to South Georgia this weekend!

You do not want to miss this event!