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Amy and Dale Earnhardt Jr Welcome Latest Addition to NASCAR’s First Family

Long time NASCAR fan favorite Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced back in October that he and wife Amy were expecting their first child. Since then, the NASCAR fan community has had full on baby fever, with fans reaching out on all forms of social media to wish the recently-retired driver and his wife well while they waited on the arrival of their bundle of joy.

As of yesterday, the wait is over. The Earnhardt’s welcomed Isla Rose Earnhardt to the world on Monday, the day after what would have been Dale Earnhardt Sr’s 67th birthday. From what can be gathered from the couple’s tweets, both baby and mom seem to be doing very well, although there has been no official announcement with all of the details such as the baby’s “specs”, in keeping with the racing theme. We hope to find out more details about little Isla Rose soon as mom and dad get acclimated to their new roles as parents.

Going on a bit of a tangent here, I find myself pondering the significance of Baby Earnhardt’s birthdate. It seems likely, with Dale being who he is in the world, that he could have his option to sort of “nudge” the delivery date a day or 2 either direction. If you’ve never had a kid, you may not understand that this is actually feasible and done quite often. In fact, our first born (who admittedly was delivered via C-section, which is easier to plan) had his New Years Eve delivery date suggested by the doctor who delivered him so we’d get a tax break for the year.

That worked out well for us, though we could have chosen any other day within reason either side of New Years. So this leaves me wondering if Dale and Amy discussed the matter and decided to try to miss Dale Sr’s birthday, or if this just happened to be the day little Isla Rose decided to greet the world. I don’t know if we’ll ever know the truth, but that is certainly something to ponder.

Congratulations to Amy and Dale Jr, we certainly wish them the best of luck in their newly-begun parenting adventures!

Dear Dale and Amy

Dear Dale and Amy Earnhardt, we celebrate with you! A few words from your friends…

Posted by Dale Earnhardt Jr. on Tuesday, May 1, 2018