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This Football Team Lifted a Car To Rescue a Woman After an Accident

Sometimes, with the direction that the news and maybe our feeds like to point us in, it might begin to look like the world can tend to be an ugly place. At times, there is definitely no denying that people aren’t exactly as good as they should be and situations don’t always pan out like a fairy tale, however, I think that a lot of people would agree that more individuals in this world are good than bad. At certain times, we get left some stark reminders of exactly how that is when some big acts of Good Samaritan flavoring come to the forefront of our attention.

This time, we get a check out just one of those situations as a whole football team decided to hop to action in a tight spot when somebody needed it most, arriving to the scene of an accident and quickly acting before too much damage was done. As they would arrive to the scene, the team would discover that a car had been flipped over and there was a person stuck inside.

As the occupant would be wedged into the car, a team effort would truly unfold as the entire football team would come to the rescue, lifting the car up and dragging the woman out of harm’s way just in case some other unforeseen circumstances would potentially unfold where the car could catch fire.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to catch up with the footage that shows this moment of heroism, really giving you a good idea of the good that people are capable of when they’re put in a spot to help somebody else out. After watching something like this, it almost makes you want to go out into the world and do a little bit of good yourself in order to help somebody else out who needs a little bit of a hand on a day like today.

Football Team Lifts Car to Save Couple

This football team lifted a car to rescue a woman after an accident

Posted by NowThis on Thursday, May 31, 2018