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The WORST Part of Owning A 10+ Year Old Car

When it comes to our dream cars, there are two different ways to look at them. For those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to own the vehicle of our dreams, there is a distinct line in the sand drawn between what we thought that the car would be and what it actually is.

Pretty much everybody who has fantasized about a vehicle and eventually worked their way up the purchasing one has faced this reality at one point or another. It’s at this point in time that eventually, your mind begins to wander and maybe you begin to pick apart the vehicle that you once coveted so dearly.

Now, this isn’t to say that once you purchase a vehicle you’re guaranteed to hate it or that such a situation would even be the norm, however, it’s very rare that, after checking out a car and digging into it before your purchase, putting pretty much everything about it up on a pedestal, that there’s not going to be at least one or two things that maybe stick out to you about it during regular driving that could be better. It’s not necessarily always something that’s all that nagging but could just be an observation about what the reality is of owning some of these dream cars.

Even though the model year of the original C6 Z06 Chevrolet Corvette is quickly creeping in on 13 years old, it still, to this day remains a dream car for many as the price point is still pretty substantial and has the cars in that category where saving up might be able to get you one so it’s not beyond reach of a regular person but still at the price point where not just anybody can go out and purchase a vehicle like this. Therefore, for many enthusiasts including YouTuber, Durtymax Jack, it’s the performance vehicle of choice and definitely has a ton of upside.

However, if you follow along with Jack and his concise video below that lays out some of his gripes about the car and his experience with it, you’ll quickly learn about what might be a couple of the weak points in the Corvette that just happen to come with a car of such an age.