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How Much of a Deal Can You Get when a $60k Truck with 1,000 Miles Heads to Auction?

Navigating through the purchase of a vehicle can be an incredibly stressful time for somebody who doesn’t have a little bit of experience in this ballpark. Heck, even for those who do plenty of research and have been around the block a couple of times, it can be a struggle to find just the right deal to be confident in going home with.

After all, buying an automobile is definitely a major purchase and could even come with the necessity of taking out a loan that’s going to stick with you for a couple years so you had better make sure that you’re picking the right car or truck. Otherwise, you might be stuck paying for a vehicle that isn’t serving you all that well.

Now, we all want to get the best deal possible but, another important factor for many while purchasing an automobile is getting rid of as much risk as possible. Sometimes, for that element of safety, you’re going to pay a little bit more money with the cars that come with guarantees or are sold by a reputable dealer. However, if you’re willing to take a little bit of a ride on the wild side and dive into a chance with a vehicle that comes from an automotive auction, there’s a good chance that you can get yourself a stellar deal, especially if you know what you’re looking at and what type of value these vehicles normally bring. However, there’s an equal chance that you could be screwed over.

If you follow along down in the video below, you get to see what happens with a very new Chevrolet Silverado that, for one reason or another, ended up at auction with only 1000 miles on the odometer. Normally, that low of mileage could spell out some sort of red flag as to why exactly the vehicle ended up on the auction block, however, somebody was definitely willing to sink some money into it.

Just how much dough would the truck that originally cost $60,000 go for at auction? Find out below!