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When You Launch Your Jeep Further Than Expected… Ends Badly!

The guys over at Busted Knuckle Films always manage to find the most insane off roading footage. While they’re usually the ones doing the filming at off road events all across the country, even footage they didn’t capture themselves usually managed to make it’s way to their social media, and that’s where this ridiculous slow-motion video comes to us from.

It doesn’t take long to tell this story, with this video running less than 30 seconds. But you can see in that short time that the driver of this Jeep has gone for broke, and unfortunately he found it! At least somebody was there with their camera running in slow motion to capture the carnage, and it’s pretty crazy!

With a pretty good running start, the Jeep’s drive hits this perfectly-shaped hill and catches some major air. You can tell the Jeep has a cushy aftermarket suspension that has a lot to do with the amount of air it catches off the hill, and also probably saves the driver’s neck when the Jeep returns to Earth, because the landing is quite a ways below the launch.

It does look like the front suspension takes some damage upon landing, if you look closely the front fender appears to buckle upward when the front wheels hit the ground, causing the hood to fly up and smack the windshield.

It’s hard to say just from this footage how bad the damage is, but you can bet if this ride wasn’t built on that lifted suspension with big tires the landing would have been much more brutal. Hopefully the owner doesn’t have too much to do as far as repairs before he’s able to return to the offroad park and get back after it.

What’s the craziest thing you guys have done as far as catching air? Do you have video of a Jeep or other offroad ride catching more air than this? Show us in the comments and you video just might get shared too!


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Posted by BUSTED KNUCKLE FILMS on Thursday, June 14, 2018