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Chevrolet Confirms the Return of the Blazer After 13 Long Years

In a day and age where everybody is trying to constantly stay on the move and keep up with the latest and greatest features, designs, and other aspects of an automobile, sometimes, things can blend together. Because of the need to sell vehicles, there can be times in this 2018 landscape when brands will find a way to recycle old nameplates and when you start doing that, you begin to interfere with peoples’ nostalgia which can really end up stirring the pot a little bit especially when you take something like the Chevrolet Blazer and make it half minivan.

One of the latest names to be dug up from the grave in the Chevrolet wheelhouse is none other than the Blazer, a vehicle that lots of people have fond memories of with the big and boxy full-size Blazers that plenty fell in love with and even the smaller midsize SUV that would take on the S10 chassis in the Early 80s.

With all that now in the rearview, the Blazer is being brought back once again and the body style seems to resemble just about every other midsize SUV currently on the market. With the headlights of a Jeep and the body lines that resemble a Hyundai, it seems like most of the people in comment sections around the internet just can’t really put their finger on where to place this thing.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there very well could be a cult following that will purchase the “crossover” when it finally rolls on showroom floors. When it comes down to the nuts and bolts, the Blazer will be powered by a standard 2.5 L engine and will find an optional 3.6 L to accompany the nine-speed transmission that will be shared by both of the variants

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to see exactly what Chevrolet is now pumping out in the crossover segment, attempting to bring back a name that certainly has a lot of mustard behind it. Do you think that this reincarnation of one of America’s favorite SUVs stands a chance with its new facelift?