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Study Shows Why You’re Wrong For Driving Slow In The Left Lane

When it comes to bouts of road rage, we would venture to think that a pretty big slice of that pie of anger can be caused by drivers traveling along in the left lane and not allowing traffic to flow. Now, we get that not everyone wants to fly down the highway, but if you’re driving along in the left lane and people in the right lane are passing you, well, basically, you’re wrong.

If we have one word of advice to every single person on the roadways today it is to watch this video and absorb all of the information that lies within. It seems like the crew behind this one at Vox was so passionate about the issue that they went out and did a pretty good amount of research to back up the idea that, all anger aside, if you’re doing something like driving slowly in the left lane, it’s statistically a lot more dangerous than obeying the law and sliding over to the right lane where cruising is supposed to take place.

Seriously, if you’re one of those people who likes to be oblivious to the world and drive slowly in the left lane, there’s a good chance that all of the other motorists on the road would like to push you off of it and you don’t even know it! Should they act on this anger and drive erratically, you don’t want to be on the other end of them losing control of their cars while in this fit of rage.

This time, we check out the video that attempts to tell all about why driving in the left lane and blocking traffic isn’t only annoying but also unsafe and can cause accidents. Check out the clip below and educate yourself on this matter that not many are even aware is a problem… Somehow. We guarantee that you’ll never look at the decision behind lane choice in the same way again.

Don’t worry slow travelers, we’ve got your back!