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This Guy On A Trials Bike Seems To Defy Gravity

In life, as you pick up various hobbies and attempts to master them, I think that the phrase “practice makes perfect” really rings true in a lot of situations. With that in mind, it really looks like the individual on this trials bike really has had a lot of effort put into getting himself to the level where he is today because the display that this guy puts on while behind the handlebars in this spot is nothing short of mind-blowing. It really stretches your mind as to the physical capabilities of what one can do if they really want to.

This display isn’t necessarily bound by the ground or particularly one that is all aerial but instead combines both of them in one neat package. It seems like this guy ends up yanking this bike in every which direction, jumping around and zipping through different obstacles, making it look easy as he blows minds with some of the things that you’ll see on your screen here. After a while, you might even start questioning if gravity is real in this video as the skilled rider jumps from surface to surface, almost acting as if this bike is an extension of his body, making it look effortless as he cleanly transitions smoothly from stunt to stunt.

If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, and it should be, dial yourself into the video below from the folks over at Motocross Updates as you’re given the display that really will boggle the mind. When you’re watching this thing, it’s almost sad to see it end as you might find yourself curious to see what this guy’s going to try next. What’s hiding out next in that bag of tricks? The only way to know for sure is to check it out for yourself.