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Jeep Wrangler To Be Recalled Over Frame Welding Issues

When you think of anything with the “Jeep” nameplate on it, you generally think of a rough-and-tumble vehicle and while that might be true, just like everybody else, every once in a while, Jeep might stumble across some quality concerns. Recently, a recall from the brand has come out showing us that should somebody who is plagued with this weak point try to make their Jeep live up to it’s rough-and-tumble name, they might be having a rough time.

Basically, the issue stems around a frame welding issue that surrounds a bracket holding part of the steering together. Should this weld fail, drivers might experience a significant change in the way that their vehicle performs that could end up being dangerous on the highway, including a pretty big reduction in steering capability. I’m unsure about you but if this were me, I would definitely want to get into the dealership right away to make sure that this issue was handled.

Via The Car Connection, “Jeep informed its dealers last week that it will launch a recall for its redesigned 2018 and 2019 Wranglers over improper welds on front suspension components that many not have been attached correctly at the factory.” “If the welds break, the bracket holding the front track bar separates from the frame, which dramatically reduces steering response”

It’s said that something like a batch of 18,000 Wranglers may be affected by the welding issue but only a few hundred of that group are likely to have the issue

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to see exactly what goes on when the failure occurs and how this could definitely lead to a dangerous situation. Even though it seems as if the occurrence of an issue like this is pretty low, it certainly worth getting checked out if you have a product that falls in the questionable zone of 2018 and 2019 Wranglers.