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Testing The Strength Of Duct Tape With A Diesel Truck And A Tractor

If you take a look across the landscape of YouTube, there are certainly a lot of wacky concepts that people attempt to put to the test. Obviously, most of these aren’t really useful real-world concepts and are just there for your entertainment purposes most of the time, however, some of them really do get incredibly interesting and make you wonder if maybe you should keep a couple of extra supplies on hand should something unlikely happen. Perhaps, one of those supplies that you might want to keep on hand is heavy duty duct tape and in this particular situation, we get to see just how far duct tape can actually be taken in a tensile strength kind of situation.

It looks like the goal of this little shindig is to take a Chevrolet Silverado powered by a Duramax diesel engine and tie it to a tractor using nothing more than a little bit of duct tape. It’s at this point that obviously the Chevy truck is going to begin to pull away and attempt to see if it can break the tape. While this might seem like a silly display on the outside, when you get down to brass tax, it actually seems like the duct tape does a lot stronger job of holding together than probably anybody had anticipated it would.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to see just how far the tape could be taken before would eventually break. After seeing something like this, you might want to keep a couple of rolls of the high-strength duct tape in your trunk just in case you should run into a situation where you’re really caught in a pinch. Obviously, it’s not going to be your first option in most cases but it certainly could come in handy if you’re the resourceful type.