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Turning a Racecar Bed into a Real Life Racecar

There are certain ideas that, once you think them up, you can’t help but want to carry them out. No matter how ridiculous it might seem or how much work it is going to take to execute, certain thoughts in your head just won’t go away and you’re forced to eventually put in the effort that it takes to bring them over to a physical format. It looks like, for the crew over at the Hoonigan garage, that one of those thoughts that came to their heads would be something that would bring every kid’s dream to life as they’re taking a crack at using a car bed and transforming it into an actual functioning vehicle.

Now, as you can imagine, this isn’t just something that anybody could pick up and do without some extensive planning involved along with a deft touch that will allow them to take something that’s not used as any sort of vehicle and convert it into something completely different. After all, outside of looking like a car, the only thing that a car bed shares in common with something that actually moves is, well,… Yeah, we got nothing. I think that you can see how this means that the crew definitely has their work cut out for them in order to make this one a reality.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to join the crew as they do their absolute best in order to start making this sort of dream car come to life. I’m not really sure that projects get much cooler than this and even though the crew isn’t finished, the way that one is shaping up really has us excited to see exactly how this one is all going to end. We get a strong feeling that once it all comes together, we’re going to end up seeing some pretty cool things with this go-kart.