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Parallel Parking Fail is the Ultimate Parking Fiasco

There are two types of drivers on the road. Well, actually, there are probably a lot more than two types of drivers but for the situation, just play along. In such a circumstance like we see here, the only two types of individuals that you’ll find are those who were able to parallel park and those who can’t. If you’re wrapped up in the latter, don’t be ashamed because there are plenty of people who are perfectly good at driving otherwise but can’t figure out how to parallel park for their lives. Don’t worry, we’ve been there too.

For this individual, it’s not very hard to guess which category they fall into. It actually seems quite entertaining for somebody who was on the scene to watch as the person pictured here tries their hardest to get into a spot. In fact, they keep on trying for five minutes, pulling forward before maneuvering back, attempting to cram their small vehicle into the parking spot in any way that they possibly can so that this driver can go about their day. Heck, we actually have to give the driver here credit for something because we probably would’ve tapped out and driven often embarrassed after one or two tries but they just keep on going for gold.

By following along with the video below, you’ll be able to witness the situation that would last almost 5 minutes and that’s the count after the camera operator would start recording. Who knows what was going on before then? Hopefully, if the person who was featured in this video ever ends up seeing it, they’ll be able to laugh along with all of us, knowing that we have all been tied up in embarrassing situations like this in our lives at one point or another. This too shall pass.
