Murder Nova Breaking In The New Mustang Dyno At Midwest Street Cars
Things have been somewhat quiet in the world of Chief and Shawn and Midwest Street Cars. We don’t really see them on Street Outlaws as much as in the show’s first several seasons, and with a couple of exceptions, they really haven’t been hitting the track as much the past couple of years either.
However, it looks like things are trucking right along at Midwest Street Cars, the shop that Chief and Shawn built together years before the show ever came to be. They used the shop to help make their own cars faster, while also spending time under the hoods of many local gearheads who wanted more power from their rides. As the show took off, the guys were pulled away from the shop often, but with a good crew of guys on hand to keep things running smoothly, the MWSC flourished and continued to grow.
The shop has had an in-ground dyno for quite some time, but as with all things in the automotive industry, their old chassis dyno unit eventually becomes obsolete. With more modern, higher-capacity units available, the guys called upon Mustang Dyno to come to swap out their old unit for a brand new one to help them tune their cars as well as those of their customers. The guys from Mustang, who also installed and set up our own in-house All Wheel Drive unit, got the new rollers in place, then had to find a car to use for testing.
While most shops would likely have a cool ride on standby to be the first to make a hit on their new dyno, it’s hard to top the cool factor of Shawn’s twin-turbo Murder Nova. This pull looks and sounds like a very easy run, likely a low-boost pull to check things over and make sure the unit was calibrated and reading correctly. We all know if the boost was cranked up, the Murder Nova would be making a hell of a lot more noise than this.