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Security Camera Catches Tesla Flying Through The Air

It seemed to be a quiet evening in Ontario. However, before long, everything would change as someone managed to get a little bit ahead of themselves as they made their way down the road in their Tesla. The scene, as captured by security cameras got a little bit scary when the four-door electric vehicle crossed the Little Avenue railway tracks at a high rate of speed. Barrie Today reported the specifics on the incident.

Due to the steep nature of the tracks, the car would lift up and go airborne. It wasn’t long before people inside of a nearby business would hear the commotion and come to the aid of the occupants of the vehicle.

The Tesla would end up crashed in the nearby parking lot of Assikinack Public School. As the time was shortly after 8 pm, it would appear as if the only injuries sustained in what we would assume was a lightly populated area at the time were to the occupants. They would be able to walk away from the accident with nothing more than minor injuries. After seeing how the electric car had been thrown through the air like a ragdoll, this one could have gotten much worse for those inside of the car.

As for charges, the driver would be slapped with “dangerous driving.” In Canada, this charge is categorized as a criminal offense and while it might not seem like something that holds much weight, the consequences can get pretty serious.

Via legalline.ca: “when a driver drives with reckless disregard for public safety and it is punishable to a maximum of five years in prison, depending on whether the prosecutor proceeds summarily or by indictment. The penalty is increased to a maximum penalty of either 10 or 14 years depending on whether the person is found guilty of dangerous driving causing bodily harm or dangerous driving causing death. A person found guilty of dangerous driving will have a criminal record of the conviction and also will lose their drivers license for a period of at least one year in Ontario.