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Duck X Productions Announces All Races Will Still Be At SGMP!

Famed Radial tire promoter and good friend of ours, Donald Long of Duck X Productions has been known for stirring the pot. He made a major announcement last month after his legendary Sweet 16 race that shook the internet to its core. It was the same race in which they set the Radial vs The World record for a second straight year.

Following the event, Donald made a Facebook post letting fans and racers know to not book rooms for the next installment of the race series. Duck announced that he was moving the race and everyone went nuts. Rumors had been thrown around after the February race as to why this was. Some argued that perhaps a feud between Duck and track owner, Ozzy Moya, had been brewing. Maybe this location shake up would be the collateral damage.

Today, Duck and Lenco Jim got on Facebook Live to make another announcement. This started off on a not so serious note in which Donald said he was retiring from promoting. Lenco said the same. It all turned out that this was one elaborate April Fools joke.

Not too long later, Moya and famed track prep superman, Wade Rich, got inside of Lenco’s truck. They would let everyone know that they will still be doing Duck’s races at the famed South Georgia Motorsports Park. This is something we’re truly happy to hear as SGMP is one of our favorite tracks to visit throughout the year. In turn, Duck’s conglomerate of action-packed events are always 3 of the best races on the calendar every year.

The announcement also means that No Mercy 10 will not be seeing a date change and will still be overlapping the NHRA race in October. This is unfortunate for some drivers and tuners who have a decision to make, now.

This has been a combination that has made magic happen for years. As fans of racing, it’s not hard to tell why we’re happy. From top to bottom, it seems like Duck and company really have their ducks in a row when it comes to putting this thing together. Here’s to the future of these amazing events!
