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REPO Truck Meets It’s Match

Let’s face the facts: nobody wants to get their vehicle repossessed. Whether or not you had it coming, it’s not a feeling that anyone wants to go through as you watch your vehicle leave on the back of a tow truck. When it comes time for the deed to be done, insult is added to injury as you now not only have to catch up on your note or pay off a lien to get your vehicle back but you also need to pay to get the car or truck out of impound which can be the icing on the cake for those who are faced with a situation like this as it unfolds in their lap.

Now, normally, in such a stressful situation, we could maybe see someone getting a touch confrontational with the tow truck driver, however, this Ford pickup truck owner decided to take a dive off of the deep end. Instead of handling his business in the proper channels, he decided that his best course of action, given the situation presented, would be to try and drive away while his Super Duty pickup was strapped to the back of the tow truck! We have to admit that this thing put up a little bit more of a fight than we had expected it to!

If you follow along down below, you’ll be able to catch up with the moment as this truck driver simply wasn’t having it and decided to lash out! This might be one of the craziest videos that we’ve featured here at Speed Society of a repo gone wrong. Even while watching from this side of the screen, it manages to make your heart jump a little bit so just imagine being on location and watching all of this happen live!