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Rear End Ripped Out of Mustang at 200+ MPH in Violent Wreck

In the course of a race, a driver never can truly predict what’s going to happen. There are lots of variables within a racing machine that could go one way or another. On one hand, if everything goes right, records can be set and races can be won. On the other, when things go wrong, there are a whole bunch of different scenarios that could unfold. This time, unfortunately, the malfunction for Frank Soldridge happened at the big end of the track. As he was ripping to well over 200 mph, the car simply hurled its way out of control.

As Frank describes the incident, the car was having an issue with cabin pressure. At that speed, when air leaks into the car, it doesn’t take an engineer to see how that might be pretty bad. Frank tells us that the pressure would cause a window to blow out. This would force the car to one side or the other. Soldridge says that he was confident that the issue was fixed when it popped back up again.

Free Life Films tell us “In 2017 at SGMP, Frank Soldridge in his Twin Turbo Radial vs the World Mustang, had one Violent Wreck. Clearing the 1/8th mile cones at over 203 MPH, then RIPPING the rear end clean out of the car as he barrel rolled down thru the shutdown area! We were glad to see him walk away from this one with only minor injuries and be able to come back to race another day!”

Following along with the video below, we catch up with the accident. This sequence was so violent that it ripped the rear end straight out of the car. Luckily, Frank would live to race another day. However, this is certainly one that stirred up quite a scare on the track.