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Blasting Down The Side Of A Snow Covered Mountain With Your Buddies Is The Ultimate Day

Out there on the web, we have definitely seen people making us of the most obscure platforms to use for adrenaline. Some of these platforms might include something like a drift trike or a Barbie Jeep. At the end of the day, there seems to be no platforms that is safe from the prospect of having a little bit of fun. This time, it looks like we’re getting a little bit more trike action to sink our teeth into. These trikes aren’t drifting around on dry ground, though.

This time, a group of friends takes on what looks to be a series of off-road trikes. Instead of going down any sort of traditional incline, though, it looks like they headed to the mountainside to have a little bit of fun. As the friends embark on their journey, the race down the mountainside begins.

Snow or not, the competitive nature is really heating up in a big way. This is the type of action that we can’t help but spectate and want to jump in on. We’re just imagining the adrenaline rush that absolutely has to come about as a result of getting involved in a race like this. Basically, what I’m trying to say is “Sign me up!”

By following along with the video below, we get to spectate the action first hand. We would take on this one on with a little bit of warning. After checking out the competition, we almost guarantee that you’re going to want to try it out for yourself. This is a journey that is one that these folks will probably be talking about for years to come. Who knows? It might even become some sort of annual tradition! We know that we would most definitely want to take it on again and again.