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Rednecks Launch Modded Lawnmowers to the Sky, Fail Miserably

The fruit of redneck boredom generally produces some of the most entertaining content on the web. You might not personally agree with the way that rednecks do things. However, you can’t deny the fact that some of these folks get incredibly creative in making their visions come to life. This might even mean that they’re trying something out that most in their right minds wouldn’t consider safe or reasonable. This video that appears to be a collection of clips from 1puglife who is certainly no exception to this trend.

It looks like these guys thought that it would be a good idea to launch multiple versions of what look to be homemade creations into the air. This includes one of our favorites which looks like a lawn chair strapped down to a lawnmower. Honestly, we can’t believe that these guys were able to put together the courage necessary for this. They’re placing a massive amount of courage in a flimsy creation that’s going to be grabbing some big air. Just gathering a big enough head of steam to take them over a jump is brave enough. Actually hitting the jump is a whole different endeavor. All things considered, we think it’s an entertaining idea… for everyone except the guy actually doing the stunt.

Check out the video below and let us know if you would try something like this. I don’t think that we could recommend this one to anyone because our lawyers would probably slap us on the wrist but watching it from this side of the screen where it’s nice and safe isn’t a bad bet! If you were in charge of the production here and could tell these guys how they were about to put it all on the line, how do you think that you would you modify this series of stunts to make the display even better!? – 1puglife