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See Through Catalytic Converter Makes it Possible to See What it’s Doing Inside

There are a bunch of components on our automobiles that are kind of hard to visualize. Sure, we can probably picture them in our heads to some extent. By combining previous knowledge with conceptual images, we could probably get a general picture.

For example, inside of a combustion chamber, miniature explosions contribute to our engine running. By knowing how the internals of an engine is shaped and what explosions look like, we can come up with a pretty good idea. However, without actually seeing it, it might be something that’s hard to picture. In fact, we would almost guarantee that the actual visual is at least slightly different than what we had pictured.

This time, we check out a YouTube channel that does its best to get around just that issue. Warped Perception has come up with some crazy ideas to be able to take us inside of some familiar objects. With this particular demonstration, the object in question is not other than a catalytic converter.

For those who have knowledge of how cars work, they can probably explain a catalytic converter pretty easily. Basically, it’s an emissions system that helps regulate what toxins end up in the air. However, it doesn’t start working until it gets warmed up.

While we might know it functions, I’m sure that the majority of folks probably haven’t broken open a catalytic converter to see what it looks like inside. Furthermore, even those who have likley have never been able to see what a catalytic converter looks like while it is functioning.

By following along with the video below, we’re able to check out an incredible experiment that takes us inside of just that process. With the help of a cutaway catalytic converter, we’re able to watch magic happen. In regular life, this isn’t really something that most folks would bother to think about on their daily commute. However, after seeing a video like this, we get a feeling that most will never think of this part in the same way ever again.

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