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Massive 36,0000sqft House With Personal Race Track Could be Yours

It seems like, with a passion for automobiles, real estate can trail closely behind sometimes.

Sure, we might lend the majority of our spare money to our projects. Whether it’s a car, truck, or anything else with wheels, these projects can get rather cash consuming. However, we can just as easily drool over places that allow us to store and work on these cars. If these homes bring other luxuries to have fun with, then that could be a pretty big bonus as well.

This time, we check in with a house that has been on the market for a little bit over a year. It has actually dropped in price a bit for those looking for a deal. The Florida home appears to have started out at $22 million. It has since been reduced to a mere $17.5 million. That might seem like a lot of money but when you see the original price, it’s kind of a bargain. Right?

All jokes aside, this mansion is really what dreams are made of. Composed of 36,361 square feet, this place is stocked with everything that one might need. To get the basics covered, the home has 8 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, and a whopping 16 half bathrooms. There is an elevator to access all levels but that’s only where the fun starts.

Also inside, we find other amenities like a bowling alley, gym, and indoor pool. Outside, we get to the very best part of the property. In addition to having a seven-car garage, we also find a personal race track! The track appears to be for some sort of go-carts. Don’t get too excited, it doesn’t look like something that we would put full-blown cars on. If you’re feeling frisky, though, maybe that’s an option to explore.

By following along with the video below, we get the full tour of everything that this home has to offer.