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Recapping the “Most Cheatingest” Moments in NASCAR

It’s a shame that not everybody can be honest in this world. However, as sure as there is a competition or somewhere to gain, some people will try to take advantage of the situation. We see this phenomenon in everything from sports to finances and just about everything in between. It feels as if the phenomenon can end up being more enticing for potential cheaters if there is a lot of money on the line.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that cheating could easily give a dishonest racer a big payday in NASCAR. Some of these names might rank up there with some of the other big cheating scandals in sports. Yeah, we’re looking at you, New England.

Over the years, there have been all sorts of examples of people trying to take advantage of the rules.

We do have to insert a quick disclaimer before we start, though. Not all of these examples are explicitly cheating. Instead, some are just drivers and teams that have really figured out how to stretch out the rulebook. It really can be quite impressive how creative some of these ideas get. Some might argue that these teams are simply reading between the lines. Technically, what they’re doing isn’t illegal. However, others will argue that these tactics can end up being pretty dirty, at times.

The beauty, here, is truly in the eye of the beholder… or maybe NASCAR officials.

By following along with the video below, we find a series of situations that might have been a little bit underhanded. Some of these situations were even egregious enough that they would prompt a new rule change. It’s pretty crazy how far people have gone when money and prestige are on the line. They’d better not push that line too far, though. Otherwise, both of those things are heading right out the window.