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Madman Tills Dirt With Spiked Wheels on $100,000 F-350

For those who have yet to join the show, there’s something amazing happening over at the WhistlinDiesel YouTube channel. Within the videos on the channel, we find the ultimate version of trolling the web. With every video that gets posted, it seems like the audience finds a way to split themselves.

As we watch pure destruction unfold, half of the viewership is happy. They think that it’s pretty great to watch somebody shred through an expensive truck. The trucks that WD destroys are usually pretty sought after.

On the other hand, though, there are people who get kind of upset. We don’t really understand this logic. However, some viewers take it really personally when an expensive truck is destroyed. To each their own, I guess.

This time, we get to see WD’s “Reaper Wheels” make another appearance. Basically, these wheels are constructed out of thick metal spikes. Last time that we saw them, they were mounted to an ATV. This time, though, it appears as if a bigger set is making its presence felt.

In this particular video, the massive spiked death traps have been mounted to the Powerstroke that has made its way to the channel. The Ford F-350 in question is said to be a six-figure truck. However, that doesn’t stop our uploader from beating on it.

By following along with the video below, we get to watch what might be the most expensive tiller on earth. As the truck plows along through the icy field, it rips up the frozen dirt with ease. This is a video that might make some cringe. However, we can’t help but grab some popcorn and be entertained as the shenanigans commence. Every time we see one of these videos, we can’t help but wonder what’s coming up next. The destruction seems to get more expensive every time!