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Quarantined and Can’t Workout? Home Made Car Part Gym For the Win

As we move toward April, the coronavirus continues to spread and we still don’t know quite what to expect. What we do know is that most businesses are shutting down. Furthermore, the majority of folks are probably going to be trapped inside for quite some time.

While some businesses are able to come up with a provisional version of what they do, others have to shut down completely. One industry that’s going to probably feel the shock waves of the virus the most will be the fitness industry. Gyms across America had no choice but to close their doors. Even if they kept them open, we’re not sure how many people would be working out with the current state of affairs.

This time, we check out a couple of gearheads who needed an alternative when the gym wasn’t an option. Sure, they could’ve gone out and bought their own workout equipment. However, it looks like Mitchell Stapleton and Jayce Andrade got a little bit more creative than most.

They took the opportunity to use the likes of exhaust components, engine blocks, and all sorts of other things to get their workout in. This one might’ve been more of a product of boredom from being locked inside than anything. We cannot help but be entertained by watching what they’ve come up with, though.

By following along with the video below, we get to join in with the shenanigans. This is a display that we probably wouldn’t recommend trying at home. Doing this for long enough is almost guaranteed to end up in some sort of injury. We completely get on board with watching other people do it, though!

Hopefully, everybody is being safe out there during this time of caution. With any luck, gyms and other businesses will be opening back up before we know it.