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Life on the Road – What is it Actually Like to Live Out of a Race Car Trailer?

If there’s one thing that living on the roadshows us, it’s that maybe we don’t need all that extra junk that we have laying around. Recent trends in the real estate community have folks living in smaller and smaller houses. Sometimes, these homes even take to the road as they might be built-in buses or some sort of small RV. This time, we tune in with Mitchell Stapleton a.k.a. Stapleton42 on YouTube as he shows us small home living mixed with a little bit of racing flare.

For those who love to race, perhaps something like this might be a reasonable option for living. When Stapleton set out for a racing adventure in his truck and trailer, it turned out that he never really came back… well, at least not for 9 months. Being away from home for nine months seems like it might provide a little bit of a struggle. However, with a little resourcefulness, it’s definitely something that seemed to work for Mitchell.

This time, we get the rundown of what exactly it’s like to live inside of a racing trailer. Even with enough storage for a vehicle, tools, and people, this is really downsizing from a traditional home. However, when it comes to having fun, we would venture to think that Mitchell would attest to plenty of it. What could be better than going from race to race, all while having a place to sleep that can drive straight up to the track?

By following along with the video below, we get an inside look of the trailer that he is now moving on from. After seeing what it’s like to live in a car trailer for such a long period of time, does this seem like something that you would be willing to take on? It’s definitely a lifestyle that requires a couple of sacrifices. Those sacrifices could very well more than worth it when considering the upside!