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Compilation Shows Off What Exotics Celebrities Choose to Roll In

Celebrity life definitely comes with its fair share of material wealth. As pop-culture has shown us over the years, some of our favorite athletes, musicians, and other entertainers have really gone out and spent their money on some extravagant things. In many cases, flashy purchases can even give a celebrity even more fame! There have even been entire television shows dedicated to showcasing how exactly famous people spend their money.

As car fanatics, naturally, many of us have a laundry list in our heads of some of the machines that we would buy with these seemingly unlimited funds. This time, we get to dive into how exactly some celebrities are spending that money in the real world. As it turns out, when you’re world famous, just about any machine is within reach. It’s kind of interesting to see how some of the personalities of these entertainers end up reflecting in their garages.

After checking this one out, we got a feeling that you’re going to want to get to the grind and earn yourself a couple of bucks because your laundry list of cars might just have expanded a little bit. At the end of the day, it has to be a complete dream to live out a career of singing or playing a sport and be rewarded with riches like these.

By following along with the video below, we get a quick peek into the garages of celebrities like John Cena, Drake, and Marshmello among others.

When it comes to some of these folks who are known for being obscure, we really never know what’s going to come in their own personal car collection. After checking out this one, be sure to tell us which one of these rides you found fell right in place with the personality of the entertainer who owns it and which might’ve been a little bit unexpected.

If you had big money to spend on a car, which one of these do you think you’d first add to your own personal collection?