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Burnout Gone Wrong Sends Dodge Charger Into a Crowd of People

With all of the videos that circulate of car show exits going wrong, we think that there are a couple of rules of thumb that should be laid out. First and foremost, for those exiting an automotive gathering, they should probably be aware that all attention is on them. For many folks, this would make them nervous to not stall out as they carefully make their way out of the gathering. However, others just simply love the attention. These folks take it up another notch, showing off exactly what they’ve got as all eyes look at them!

This time, we check out a crowd that has gathered at the exit of a car meet. Unfortunately, for the owner of this Dodge Charger, when he decided to show off, eyes were focused right on the bright blue Dodge as it made its way out of the meet sideways. Unfortunately, it looks like this driver simply ran out of talent as the car did a massive burnout, sliding sideways, and eventually running straight into a crowd. This is definitely a day that this driver is going to want to forget.

Luckily, though, bruised ego aside, it doesn’t look like anybody was seriously injured during this chain of events. If you want to talk about one way to take a bad situation and make it much worse, throw a couple of injuries into the mix with some reckless driving. That’s definitely one way to make it rain on your parade.

By following along with the video below from H&R CARS, we get to head into the situation and witness all of the action for ourselves. Needless to say, this is probably one that you shouldn’t try at home, that is, unless you want a heaping helping of embarrassment to go with a banged up and damaged car.