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Dennis Collins Talks About Low Production Classic Car Finds That Any Enthusiast Will Enjoy!

I think that, to an extent, it’s safe to say that the majority of car fans like things that are weird or unique. Maybe I’m speaking for myself here but I think that there’s a certain appeal to a vehicle that not many people know about. When something catches our eye as different from the pack or obscure, it really gives a car a little bit more charm. Bonus points are earned when your car-loving friends can’t even figure out what’s going on.

With that in mind, there are definitely a whole variety of cars that haven’t been mass-produced out there, or at least not in certain combinations. It seems to be these cars that draw the attention of the car community at wide.

If there’s one person who could definitely tell us about these sorts of rides, it’s Dennis Collins. Collins seems to be a walking encyclopedia of automotive knowledge. The more that he talks, the more that we can’t help but wonder how exactly he has collected such a database in his brain about all of the various makes and models that he knows so much about. It almost makes us want to break out a pen and pad to take notes on some of this stuff.

This time, we get to check out a couple of low production classic car finds that Collins thinks are incredibly interesting himself. You know if a guy who has been around the block as many times as Collins has find a car interesting, it’s sure to have something for all of us. Sure, some of these machines might not exactly fit into everyone’s standard definition of what the most awesome car in the world is. However, the cool factor that goes along with some of them being so rare is definitely worth taking a look at.