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Building the Most Loaded Rivian Pickup Truck Possible, What it Costs

With the landscape of pickup trucks comes with incredibly high expectations these days. It’s certainly a market that’s going to make a great offering to be able to break into for a newcomer. In 2020, creating a brand that will find its way into the landscape isn’t going to be easy. At the end of the day, the current automakers in the rotation have built up such reputations for themselves that they can almost force out any newcomers to the market. While lots of models come and go, it seems like brand loyalty in the pickup truck segment is about as strong as it gets.

However, it seems as if some brands are going to try to make their way into the automotive market on the heels of what appears to be a revolution. We’re speaking, of course, about the relatively new mainstream electric car market. Over the years, this is a market that the majors have never really figured out a way to pin down. There have been attempts but almost none of them have found widespread success. Therefore, it could be reasonable to think that perhaps some newcomers could stand to gain a little bit of ground in this time that is definitely a transition toward the newly accepted power source.

One of the newcomers to this concept is that of Rivian. The automaker is slated to start out producing only electric trucks. The R1T pickup and R1S SUV are due out in 2021.

In the name of making a good first impression, it appears as if the brand has really brought their best effort forward, creating not only an efficient electric pickup but also one that has an entire sheet of options to choose from. Coming from a place where they don’t have the brand equity of their competitors, the juice of the offering will really need to be worth the squeeze.

By following along with the video below, we get an inside look at what exactly one is signing up for with a fully loaded Rivian. It’ll be pretty interesting to see how the market chooses to react to a newcomer when Rivian finally makes its way to the streets.