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Duramax Goes Off-Roading, Gets Stuck, and Has to Call in the Big Guns for Recovery!

When it comes to the world of off-road recovery, there are definitely some machines that are going to be easier to get unstuck than others. Naturally, the heavier the vehicle, the more difficult it’s going to be to pry it from the hole that it has dug for itself.

Furthermore, to compound things just a little bit, if somebody went through the struggle of calling up a recovery service, you know that they didn’t do the recoverer any favors in making it an easy recovery, either. In all likelihood, the individual in question probably tried their hardest to get the vehicle out themselves to save a buck which, in many cases, means that they probably dug it pretty deep in the process.

This time, we check in with both a Duramax powered Chevrolet Silverado (yup, the big one!) and a Lexus SUV, both of which are rather substantial in the weight department. In addition, they also happen to be pretty stuck. What would a recovery video be, though, if it weren’t a little bit of a challenge for the person doing the heavy lifting?

This time, by following along with the video below from Matt’s Off Road Recovery, we get to join in with quite the interesting recovery situation. Sure, this one might require heading off of the beaten path just a little bit. However, with a little bit of expertise and a couple of unique methods, we’re able to watch both machines make their way home safely.

Not only can videos like this show us what not to do but they also might help out with a couple of tips and tricks, just in case we take things a little bit too far off of the beaten path. Sometimes, when we end up in bad situations where we might be just a little bit stuck, things can really sneak up a lot more quickly than we had expected.