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Finally A High Gloss Finish Straight Out Of A Can! How Does It Work Though?

It’s pretty interesting how the world of Plastidip has evolved over the years. Back in the day, I personally remember heading to the hardware store and trying to find cans of it wherever I could. Essentially, this version of the compound was used to coat the handles of tools but could also be repurposed in order to cover things like automotive badges and even wheels if the person applying it was careful enough.

Back then, Plastidip certainly was something that was kind of a little bit funky and required a certain touch to look passable. It wasn’t a material that would look all that great if one were to cover an entire car with it but let’s just say that things have evolved a lot since then. In fact, companies like Dip Your Car have come along and created all sorts of different colors and effects that one wouldn’t be able to get from a typical paint job. When all is said and done, a lot of these dips end up looking as high-quality as a factory paint job as well.

This time, we tune in with the new product from the company that promises a coating that will transform the color of your wheels or other small parts while keeping that factory-like finish. Typically, when applying dip to wheels, one would expect to end in a satin finish unless they used another coat called a “Glossifier.” However, with this new product from DYC, enthusiasts are able to get a high-grade gloss, all with one can. When all is said and done, we have to say that the finished product looks pretty awesome!

By following along with the video below, we get to see just how far products like these have come. It’s getting to a point in time where it’s going to be hard for paint companies to keep up with these semi-permanent finishes! It’s just amazing how much more can be done on a tighter budget with dips than ever before!