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A Jet Engine on a RC Boat? Why The Hell Not?

The world of radio controlled vehicles is one that we take a great interest in here at Speed Society because it so closely mirrors the full size automotive world we love so much, so anything we get our hands on a video like this, we have to share it with you guys and gals!

From cars and trucks to planes and boats, there’s something in the RC world for everybody. There are gas-burning, electric, and even jet-powered radio controlled vehicles, leading to countless combinations of platform and power. Obviously one of our favorite power sources is the turbine engine, if for no other reason that the ridiculously cool sound the engines make as they spool up.

While an obvious choice for an RC airplane, a less common – although admittedly cooler – configuration for boating, the turbine is an awe-inspiring way to power a watercraft and send it screaming, literally and figuratively, across a body of water. This particular boat, which bears a near-perfect resemblance to the famed Miss Budweiser, has been outfitted with a massive turbine engine and we get to witness it shredding this serene lake with that trademark shriek.

Just sit back and watch and listen as the boat slowly spins up the RPM within the engine, then roars to life out in the open waters. Just like its full-size counterparts, the tiny craft slings a rooster tail high into the air off the stern as it tears across the smooth water. When the pilot cranks the steering input on the transmitter, the boat whips around almost as if it’s stuck to the water with high-strength magnets, making turns that would send a lesser boat tumbling across the water. We have a decent RC collection here at our HQ, but at last count, there were no boats in our fleet. Perhaps it’s time to add one to the stash!


This remote control hydroplane with a turbine engine looks fun!

Posted by UP Engineering & Construction on Saturday, June 3, 2017