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A Positive Police Interaction – Car Meet Broken Up By Cool Cop!

A Positive Police Interaction – Car Meet Broken Up By Cool Cop!

If you’ve been in tune with the internet or the news lately, you might notice that every which way you turn, the police are getting slammed whether they deserve it or not.

While we’re not here to make any sort of political argument one way or the other, it’s quite refreshing to see the other side of such negative tactics to lure in viewers.

This time, we catch up with a police officer who is doing a little something that we think might go a lot further than using the full extent of his power. Instead, he’s simply having a conversation with the folks who he needs to address.

Check out the video below as this police interaction at a car meet goes super smooth. We need more interactions like this in the world! This guy is probably doing a lot more good by communicating effectively.

Check out the awesome video below as this cop gets “caught” dancing to Taylor Swift in his squad car!
