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Aaron Kaufman Goes For a Ride in Fighter Jet… 12,000 Feet in 15 Seconds!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or haven’t been checking Speed Society as often as you should (daily, if not hourly, duh!) then you know Aaron Kaufman has moved on from Gas Monkey Garage in pretty short order. While his split from Richard and Fast n’ Loud stunned audiences last year, the bearded one has wasted no time in jumping into new ventures with both feet. Not only is his shop, Arclight Fabrication, up and running, he’s also currently filming his own show for Discovery Channel.

However, despite having several irons in the fire, Aaron always has time to support our military, which is why, for no particular reason other than to show their support for our Armed Forces, Arclight is offering a hefty 15% discount for all members of the military, either active, reserve or retired. Simply head over to their store by following the link below to get the discount code. BUT before you do that, check out the video below of Kaufman going for a ride with the Thunderbirds, our Air Force’s flight demonstration squad. The ride is quite intense, even for the thrill-seeking Kaufman. Who wouldn’t love to hit 12,000 feet in a matter of seconds?

We get to do what we do, build cars, sleep soundly at night, enjoy the place we live because there are those who are out there keeping the tigers at bay, so to speak. We know it’s not Veterans’ Day or Memorial Day but we wanted to say thank you for all you do (including giving a giddy Aaron rides in your jets) so between now and 10/11 (next Wednesday) all active duty, reserve, or retired armed service members can go to and get a code for 15% off their orders from the online store. As for everyone else, check out our YouTube channel to see the rest of AK’s flight with the Thunderbirds. #arclightfab #armedforces #thankyouforyourservice #thunderbirds