Absolutely Berserk Jeep Attacks Sand Dune at Wide Open Throttle

For most gearheads, we just simply can’t sit still and hang out in one lane. The need to bounce around to different types of motorsports is real and this time, we check out an adrenaline overflow that comes to us from uphill sand racing, a sport that you need to check out more of if you’re not too familiar with it in the first place.
If you’ve never watched any sort of sand dune hill climb, then you’re in for a rude awakening because these things can get quite wild. The idea behind an undertaking like this is to scout out an area that provides as much of a vertical geographical challenge as possible and then put a bunch of high-powered machines with drivers are off their rockers to the test to see if they can conquer mother nature’s most challenging formations in a situation like this.
This time, we take a ride on the wild side a sand truck that throttles down and goes! Getting behind the wheel of one of these things has to be an absolute rush and when catastrophe unfolds, the adrenaline has to pump even harder! We could even say that some of these drivers are certified crazy!
By following along with the video here, we’re able to see exactly how one puts it all on the line in order to attempt to conquer such a climb. This is definitely something that’s much easier said than done. Get ready to crank up the intensity for the day because everything here is happening at wide open. As they ascend further from the ground, keeping it pinned to the floor becomes more and more of a challenge. However, it seems to be a challenge that this driver is certainly up to and ready to conquer without fear!