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Apache Helicopter 30MM Cannon VS Boat full of Terrorists

Before we put you in the thick of things here, we have to warn you that, while this video might be shot from a camera that’s showing nothing more thermal imaging from a helicopter than anything, it is a site from a war zone and as such, you should probably proceed with caution while viewing.

When it comes to the things that Americans most certainly aren’t willing to put up with, terrorism is at the top of the list. Even though today, during a time where it really seems like many of us are divided on a lot of political issues, the thing that can really bring us together is a common bad guy and no matter what side you’re on, if you happen to be a far left-leaning liberal or far right-leaning conservative, I don’t think that anybody really likes people who try to wreak havoc like those with terrorism on the mind. This time, we get to watch that oh so satisfying video that shows night vision from a helicopter as they chase down the bad guys and bring us along for the ride.

This time, we’re given the onboard view from an Apache helicopter as the crew discusses what’s happening down below. The radio chatter is really entertaining to listen to as they talk about the people on the boats being chased as they’re scattering once they see the chopper up above that’s attempting to fire off a 30 mm cannon and take out the bad guys. It’s quite suspenseful to watch as we tune in from a view that really gives you the lowdown on how these guys are going about trying to get away.

Check out the video below that is your classic case of good guys versus bad guys. You can’t help but almost route out loud for the guys in the helicopter as they chase down those in the boats who are up to no good! Be sure to chime in and tell us what you think after catching a video like this that puts you right in the heat of things.
