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What Australian V8 Supercar Racing is All About!

In the scheme of things, there are all sorts of different racing to see. It can be difficult to be able to enjoy all of it. After all, there are only so many hours in a day and after work is over, those hours are even more limited. Therefore, most might find it to be the best use of their time to pick out one or two series of racing that are their favorites. However, we think that we’ve come across one that most people might not have really familiarized themselves here with, here in the United States. The series is definitely worth our time! If packing is much adrenaline as possible into one tight package is what the viewer is all about, said viewer would more than enjoy Australian V8 supercar racing.

This time, we drop in on a flashback to the year 2014 that shows perhaps one of the most iconic Australian supercar race finishes of all time. The race features the likes of Scott McLaughlin and Jamie Whincup as they get closer and closer to the finish line at that year’s Clipsal 500. The race’s underlying story here is that these drivers are also fighting it out to be the champion of 2014.

The challenge is intense here as both drivers have to practice as intricate of maneuvers as they can while maintaining speed and battling it out with one another. Let’s just say that neither competitor wants to give an inch and the result is something that will have just about anyone gritting their teeth.

By following along with the clip below, we get to drop in on this amazing finish that shows us with this format of racing is all about. It certainly is an intense show with both machines trading the lead back-and-forth with neither driver willing to give up their position. Before we know it, the tooth and nail flight is decided by one final aggressive maneuver that ends up leaving jaws on the floor as both of the cars cross the finish line.