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Badass AWD 4-Engine Go Kart Runs: Rear Engines & Gussets!

Normally, when you think about a go kart, you think of a small vehicle powered by an engine that’s mounted in the rear that delivers power straight to the axle, propelling it forward and making for a fun toy for children and adults alike to enjoy and use to blast around uncharted territory.

This time, however, we check out a kart that is just a little bit different because, instead of having a rear mounted single engine, this contraption is powered by four engines. In addition, the machine also happens to be an all-wheel-drive setup to keep all four wheels moving at the same time. If it sounds complicated to you, that’s because it is!

You see, in order to get this thing rolling, instead of using any sort of transfer case or anything like that, these guys decided to simply mount one engine over each of the wheels, independently powering each of them to get this obscure machine in motion. The result is something that will end up turning more than its fair share of heads and confusing the heck out of people!

Check out the video below that shows off this go kart that happens to be truly one of a kind and be sure to tell us what you think of this monstrosity of a machine. You would have to think that something like this would be a pain in the rear end to maintain but we have to give these guys credit for their ingenuity of creating something that is completely different than anything we have ever seen before.