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Turbocharging a Child’s Barbie Car, Yes, Really!

If you talk to a gearhead, there’s a good chance they will tell you that they would modify just about anything with wheels and we’re not exaggerating in the slightest. If you hear something like this, you might think that we’re talking strictly about automobiles but we literally mean pretty much anything that has wheels will get the gearheads ideas brewing up in their head as to how exactly they can make something more entertaining out of what they have available to them. Even when it comes to something as simple as a Barbie Car designed for a young child, no holds are barred as we get down to action.

This time, we check out a couple of guys who we have seen in the past who have taken the liberty of putting together a Barbie car that’s complete with a dirtbike engine that is guaranteed to crank up the intensity in this otherwise tame toy.

Now, we know that some individuals take the liberty of beefing up the batteries and electric motors in these things that make them more fun for their kids or maybe even bouncing them down a steep incline in the intense chaos that is Barbie Jeep Racing but this project as a whole is on another level of insanity as the folks behind it really go to another level, being as serious as they can possibly be about making a Barbie Car fast and the results are pretty entertaining to watch. In this particular round of modifications, we get to watch the car take on a turbocharger which should make things even more interesting.

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to learn a little bit more about this tiny child’s toy and what it is that makes it so special. Something creative like this is really enough to make us want to get out there and build something unique ourselves. I’m sure that you can probably imagine your friends trying out something like this and pushing it to the absolute limit to that point where they’d hurt themselves. We know we can.