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BMW May Soon Offer Electric Jetpacks For Your Commute to Work

BMW May Soon Offer Electric Jetpacks For Your Commute to Work

When it comes to the future of transportation, I’m not sure that there are all that many of us who know what things will look like a couple of decades from now. At this point in time, we might’ve even thought that flying vehicles would be a normal thing. In 2020, though, naturally, that’s not exactly the case.

Apparently, though, this is a goal that engineers and designers just aren’t willing to give up on. Instead, they continue to chase down the possibility of personal aviation and we’re loving every second of it. Sure, we might not be in a version of the future from a couple of decades ago that looks like something from The Jetsons. However, personal aviation might be a little bit closer than some might think.

This time, we follow along with a creation from BMW that takes the concept of personal aviation to the next level. When collaborating with wingsuit pilot, Peter Salzmann, the collaboration was able to come up with an electric powered wingsuit. The result is capable of speeds of over 180 mph thanks toBMW’s iEV tech, producing 15kW of power through two carbon impellersy. When all is said and done, the suit is only able to be used for a span of about five minutes. However, as the technology continues to improve, we’re sure that this is only due to get better. In turn, a single charge could allow users to travel as far as 15 miles at top speed.

By following along with the video below, week check in with a couple of clips that show exactly how this electric wing suit works. We aren’t quite sure where exactly personalized aviation fits in the future of transportation. It isn’t really clear that it will ever be a direct replacement for the automobile as we know it. However, having the option to strap on an electric jetpack and fly to work in the morning certainly seems like an interesting way to kick off the week.