Build Series Converts a Common Crown Victoria Into a Badass Trophy Truck

When it comes to a YouTube builds series, we think that the more creative the better. Sure, there are probably a lot of people out there who want to watch someone slap a couple of bolt-ons on a car and go out and rip on it. However, we can’t help but be drawn in when an individual takes something and throws their heart and soul into creatively turning it into a work of passion.
This time, the platform of discussion is none other than a Ford Crown Victoria. Yeah, that’s right, one of those old cop cars that are out there in droves. Instead of any sort of typical modification, this time, we’re going to watch the former police cruiser turned into a trophy truck. For those not familiar with the trophy truck, it’s essentially an off-road beast. These machines are designed with incredible suspensions that allow them to blast through the desert with ease.
The concept of the build is to be able to do it all on a budget. Therefore, $4000 is the ceiling that we see here. With the platform being plentiful and affordable, parts should really be readily available. In turn, getting the actual car itself shouldn’t be too expensive, either. Long story short, it’s going to take some doing a lot of creativity for the vision to come to life. However, where there’s a will there’s a way and we think that the man behind it all picked out a good starting point.
By following along with the video below, we get to tune into the YouTube channel of a man named Austin Coulson. The video below is actually one part of an entire playlist. By clicking “next,” you’ll be able to watch all 22 parts of this series. Watching a build like this might just make your own custom creative build idea come to life. – Austin Coulson