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City Ordered to Pay Back $3 million in Red Light Camera Tickets

If it’s controversial policing that you want to talk about, one of the highly argued about issues that has been debated back-and-forth is the use of red light cameras. While, in theory, the electronic devices could be quite a noble invention, many speak out against the cameras for what they see to be an unconstitutional nature of use and others claim that, instead of protecting people, the cameras will cause all new safety issues to worry about.

This time, to the delight of those who are in opposition of the cameras, the city of New Miami, Ohio, has recently been found on the losing end of a battle surrounding the cameras brought about in a class action lawsuit by those who have found themselves affected by the humanless effort at nabbing red light runners.

With the whole collection of folks who didn’t seem to be too enthralled about paying a ticket issued to them by a machine, the city was ordered to pay back a total of $3 million in red light camera judgements with the ruling judge supporting the notion that the people on the receiving end of these fines didn’t exactly get their shot at a fair trial.

The news report below takes the liberty of unraveling all of the layers to this complicated case so that you can get a better idea of exactly what went down here and how these red light cameras were debunked. What do you think of the idea of enforcing a law with the use of a machine and removing the human aspect of the confrontation?