Columbus Police Department Post They Have Nabbed NASCAR Driver Tony Stewart In Epic Lip Sync Battle.

Like most viral sensations, the lip sync challenge has seemingly come from nowhere to take social media by storm. For whatever reason, this time it’s police departments that have become the spearhead of the movement, with officers far and wide taking a few moments to laugh at themselves while faking along to some of the hottest songs in pop culture, past and present.
The other day, we brought you the challenge as thrown down by the police department of Adel, Georgia, the small town the biannually swells to hold tens of thousands of racers and fans who swarm the township during Donald Long’s 1-2 small tire punch. Their challenge even featured a segment shot at iconic South Georgia Motorsports Park, the home of Lights Out and No Mercy, while the officers “sang along”.
As awesome as their video was, I have to say that the Columbus, Indiana police department has showed them up just a tad with their awesome lip sync challenge video, featuring a little added star power in the form of former NASCAR series champion Tony Stewart. Stewart, who won NASCAR’s championship in 2002, 2005 and 2011 along with an IRL title in 1997, calls Columbus home and jumped in with the officers to make the most of the sensation that’s sweeping across the country.
Stewart appears in the opening scene, where it appears he’s been caught in a high-speed pursuit with three of Columbus’ finest – and prettiest, might I add – law enforcement officers. With finger guns drawn, the officers approach Stewart, who’s given up on running and elected to turn himself in, all as part of the act, of course.
This video is funny, well-produced and fun. Add in Stewart for undeniable star power and you can see why I say these guys have set the bar for the lip sync challenge and it will take a killer production to top it!