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Cool Cop Pops His Hood at a Car Meet

When you find yourself out at about a car meet, there’s a pretty good chance that you might find it getting broken up by the local authorities. While sometimes, the police action is warranted, other times, it simply causes frustration for those who are just looking to hang out and have some clean fun.

We aren’t here to argue one way or the other if police should intervene in a car meet like this one but rather to show you a situation in which a meet broke out in the police showed up on the scene but they weren’t there to kick anybody out. In fact, they were very much a part of the crew.

Instead of kicking anyone out, this time, the police were out for a little bit just to make sure that everything was alright after presumably getting calls about the large gathering. They even took a moment to pop the hood and show everyone what a police cruiser is all about.

Check out the video below that shows the action from the meet and tell us what you think of this police and civilian interaction that has gone oh so smoothly.