Cops Show Inventive Ways Drivers Try to Avoid Paying Tolls
I’m not sure that there is anybody who thinks that paying tolls is a good time. At the end of the day, it seems to be a necessary evil these days for certain highways and will have drivers paying anywhere from a couple of bucks up to $1.25 on Whiteface Mountain Veterans Memorial Highway in New York which is the country’s most expensive toll road.
In any case, toll plazas serve as an opportunity for some to try and save a few dollars. Let’s just say that if there’s an opportunity to take advantage of a loophole, people are going to probably try to do it in one way or another.
Personally, I knew that people trying to cheat tolls was a thing. However, as this particular video shows us, it’s a lot more prevalent than one might think. In fact, some folks go to some pretty far lengths, even modifying their vehicles in order to try and avoid paying tolls.
This time, the crew over at Inside Edition takes us inside some of these unique situations that creative individuals have put in place in order to try to avoid paying their fair share. From people hanging out of trunks and covering license plates to cables being used to move and obscure license plates, these people have thought of it all.
Down in the video below, we tune in with what this all means when push comes to shove and what police officers do when they catch up with these folks who are trying to get around the tollbooth. While a few bucks here and there might not seem like a lot to some drivers, other drivers are getting away with avoiding lots of money paid in tolls. Just imagine traveling one of these roads every day and having to consistently pay up. None of that is an excuse for breaking the law but we can definitely see why there is quite the tempting motive to do just that.