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Crashed up Derby Car VS METH HOUSE

This meth house was scheduled for destruction so a local auto repair shop owner and crash up DEMOLITION DERBY champion convinced city officials to let him drive his car through the house to raise money for a local charity. If your ever in Seymour Missouri drop by Teds Automotive and give him a hi five!

As you can see the Derby car is already destroyed as it looks like it already went through the house. This guy rockets through the house and destroys the place showing the true danger and power behind a motor vehicle.

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Launching into the house his front wheels catch air and there is no turning back.

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After the destruction the driver steps out happy as can be being able to destroy a house, his car and raising money for charity! Looks like the whole town came out to watch the house being taken down by Ted (the driver).

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Watch below as this derby car does what it is designed to do. Also, Make sure you share it so others can see the post as well. Facebook is changing things daily making it harder for us to get you sick car / speed related content.