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Crushing a full-size Car battery with a Hydraulic Press

While there is no secret or anticipation as to whether or not a hydraulic press will be able to crush a battery, there is a little bit of curiosity as to what would come out of the battery when it is demolished.

Will acid gush all over the place? Will pieces go flying? Do you think that we would see an explosion from all of the components under pressure?

Thanks to this demonstration, we get to explore just that when this full-size car battery is put under the microscope, putting it head-to-head with the hydraulic press.

The result isn’t as dramatic as we might have expected it would be, but it is still neat to see how the car part reacts to the pressure and what it looks like inside of one of these everyday objects that we rarely get to peek into.

Check out the video below to see the results for yourself and tell us what you thought was going to happen when the battery went up against to tool of mass crushing!