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Day in the Office Turns Crazy When Driver of Rented Slingshot Gets Arrested After Wrecking It!

For those who have never checked in with the folks over at Royalty Exotic Cars on YouTube, you’re in for a real treat. As it turns out, renting cars out can be quite a controversial and interesting business. Naturally, common rental cars already take their fair share of abuse. Let’s just say that this is amplified when the cars are exotics. Furthermore, I don’t think we need to sit here and spell out why Las Vegas is going to yield crazy behavior behind the wheel as well.

This time, we tune in with yet another crazy story from Royalty Exotic as they rented out a Polaris Slingshot. In an odd plot twist, as the vehicle was returned to Royalty, the driver responsible for the Slingshot would try and sneak in and sneak out, undetected. However, he wouldn’t be able to do it without having a wheel fall off of the front of the Polaris, first. Naturally, it seems as if this individual might’ve had a little bit too much fun with the rental.

As if that weren’t enough, shortly after crashing the rented Slingshot, the driver would end up being arrested as well. It seems as if these guys have so many stories to go around that they can make videos for the rest of their lives just based on what they’ve done up to this point in time.

We’re sure that some of the stories make the job a little bit more interesting instead of just being a conventional rental car agency. However, on the other hand, some of these headaches definitely seem like something that we just wouldn’t want to deal with. The general public can be an incredibly big handful sometimes and it certainly has to be quite a process to deal with them in this capacity.