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DIY Bench Top Vice Modification That Makes Working On Things Easier

When you’re working in your garage, if you have just the right set of tools, you can get the job done in the most efficient way that you possibly can. Otherwise, you’ll probably find yourself struggling along to try and figure out workarounds which isn’t necessarily always a bad thing but there are definitely right and wrong ways to get the job done. Sometimes, the tools that are required to do a job in the fastest way possible might be a little bit more expensive than you care to stomach and aren’t worth it financially for you but it’s hard to admit that they wouldn’t be a nice addition, in some cases. Perhaps you can make your own, though!

This time, we check out a tool that doesn’t really seem to be necessary in most situations but if you use a vice regularly, it definitely could be an improvement over what it is that you’re working with now. Sure, it might seem frivolous if you only use your vice every once in a while but if you can save 10 or 20 seconds every time that you the tool, over time, this could definitely prove to be an investment that’s worth making. On the other hand, you could just have a ton of money to blow and this is something cool for the garage, which is also a perfectly reasonable excuse as well.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to catch up with a homemade creation that takes the standard vice and motorizes it to make one of the coolest contraptions that we think we’ve ever seen when it comes to what you’re using in your very own garage. We have to warn you that after watching this one, you might get a case of the “get up and go’s” that may make you want to run up to your garage and make one of these things for yourself.